
The world in flames: Global Warming’s Fiery Toll

El mundo en llamas scaled - The world in flames: Global Warming's Fiery Toll
The world in flames: Global Warming’s Fiery Toll

The cartoon, “The world in flames: Global Warming‘s Fiery Toll,” vividly portrays the alarming consequences of global warming. In the illustration, the Earth is depicted as a globe engulfed in flames, symbolizing the devastating impact of rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and environmental degradation.

What’s particularly striking in the cartoon is the representation of the Earth seemingly jumping or plummeting into the ocean. This visual metaphor underscores the urgent need for global action to combat climate change before the planet’s environmental systems reach a critical tipping point, leading to irreversible consequences.

The cartoon serves as a powerful reminder of the pressing challenges posed by global warming and the imperative for nations worldwide to address this crisis with urgency and collective responsibility.

Written by Arcadio Esquivel Mayorga

Professor of Cartoon art, University of Costa Rica. I produce the TV Show "The World of Arcadio", channel 13. I do cartoons for too many papers around the world.

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