
Cosmos Laundromat – First Cycle, Must Watch

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Cosmos Laundromat – First Cycle

On a desolate island, suicidal sheep Franck meets his fate in a quirky salesman, who offers him the gift of a lifetime. Little does he know that he can only handle so much lifetime. (Target audience age: 13+)

“Cosmos Laundromat” started in 2014 as an experimental feature film, in which an adventurous and absurdist love story is being told by multiple teams – each working in their unique style. The opening of the film, the 10 minutes pilot “First Cycle”, has been made in the Netherlands by the studio of Blender Institute in Amsterdam. See also: A Short History of Animation Films, Good to Know Basic.

Written by Chris Krol

Hey there! I'm Chris Krol, a cartoon enthusiast with a penchant for visual storytelling. My Toons Mag creations often explore the lighter side of life, offering a dose of joy and laughter.

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