
Pakistan’s aggression!

Cartoon Pakistan’s aggression!

Pakistan’s aggression!

This cartoon presents a powerful and somber image that critiques aggression and its consequences. In the center, a large missile painted with the Pakistan flag and labeled “Made in USA” is descending. This suggests the involvement of foreign influence or aid in military actions.

To the left of the missile, a bearded militant figure, likely representing a Taliban fighter, holds a flag with Arabic script, watching the missile’s descent with a concerned expression.

On the right side, an army general labeled “ISI” (Inter-Services Intelligence of Pakistan) is depicted running away from the scene, which indicates perhaps a lack of accountability or the instigation of conflict without facing the consequences.

At the bottom, a mother and her child are shown lying on the ground, both appearing hurt or dead, with the mother shedding a tear. The child clutches a bottle, adding a poignant touch to the tragedy. Blood stains around them emphasize the violence and suffering inflicted upon innocent civilians.

This cartoon strongly conveys the devastation of military aggression and its impact on vulnerable populations, highlighting issues of foreign involvement and internal military actions.

See also: Pakistan is the state of terrorism!

Written by Atiq Shahid

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