Humanity scaled - Contest: Cartoonist of the Year 2021Previous photoNext photo
Contest is finished!
Author: Gomolemo Kalayakgosi
Votes: 27

Views: 1254
Description: The world is in Crisis. Our Humanity is fading away, hence we see rage, habitat destruction; the extinction of wildlife, passion killings, corruption, extortion, mistreating of the poor, excessive greed, wars and more. And through this Cartoon Illustration I'm addressing those issues, that there is a way out, there is cure to this sickness and that's getting our heart back, as the Doctor makes it clear that what our world needs is a compassionate, sympathetic and generous heart or behavior. We need to remember who we are and see ourselves through GOD'S light and image ; surely this world will be a better place, and we will treat each other equally in love and live in harmony, peace and joy. - Gomolemo Mark Kalayakgosi - Contact info +26776277874

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