
Brainwashing International Cartoon Exhibition

MiA Norway & PRERAG Slovakia invite you to the cartoons exhibition “Brainwashing”

The exhibition will be shown on the outside windows and walls of Avistegnernes hus as part of Drøbak city’s LysNatt event. The exhibition will be opened by a representative from The Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Oslo. The Brainwashing project is supported by the ACF - Slovakia programme, which is financed from the EHP 2014-2021 Financial Mechanism. The programme is run by the Ekopolis Foundation in the partnership with the Open Society Foundation Bratislava and the Carpathian Foundation.

MiA Norway & PRERAG Slovakia invite you to the cartoon exhibition Brainwashing.

The exhibition will be shown on the outside windows and walls of Avistegnernes Hus as part of Drøbak city’s LysNatt event.

The exhibition will be opened by a representative from The Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Oslo.

Programme 21.september:
18.00 – Opening of the exhibition with guests from Slovakia, Gallerists from Brainsneeze Gallery Peter, and Magda Razus.
18.30 – Cartoonist workshop with Slovak artists Bobo Pernecky and Karol Cizmazia.
19.00 – Cartoonist workshop with Arifur Rahman.

The exhibition will also be shown in Gallery E96 Industrigata 67, Oslo from Friday 20. September 18.00.

The Brainwashing project is supported by the ACF – Slovakia program, which is financed from the EHP 2014-2021 Financial Mechanism.

The program is run by the Ekopolis Foundation in the partnership with the Open Society Foundation Bratislava and the Carpathian Foundation.

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Written by Arifur Rahman

Cartoonist, Animator, Illustrator, and Publisher of Toons Mag.

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