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Dragon Drawing Tutorial, Easy Tutorial, 7 Steps

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Dragon Drawing Tutorial, Easy Tutorial, 7 Steps, Tutorial by Dawn Darko, United States

Dragon Drawing

Step 1

Draw a circle for the head guide and then sketch in the facial guidelines.

dragon drawing tutorial step 1 1 000000186563 3 - Dragon Drawing Tutorial, Easy Tutorial, 7 Steps

Step 2

You will sketch out the shape of the dragon’s snout and jaw, then draw in the nostril and small horns on the nose tip.

dragon drawing tutorial step 2 1 000000186564 3 - Dragon Drawing Tutorial, Easy Tutorial, 7 Steps

Step 3

Sketch out the brow and then sketch in the wrinkles on the side of the snout-like you see here. Darken the lining around the eye and then add some lightly drawn scales.

dragon drawing tutorial step 3 1 000000186565 3 - Dragon Drawing Tutorial, Easy Tutorial, 7 Steps

Step 4

Draw in the bottom row of teeth and then draw the thick tongue which curls up at the end. Add some texture detailing to the tongue.

dragon drawing tutorial step 4 1 000000186566 3 - Dragon Drawing Tutorial, Easy Tutorial, 7 Steps

Step 5

Up next, draw in the upper jaw and add the teeth nicely along the gum line. Notice the teeth are not even or straightly lined.

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Step 6

We will finish this dragon by drawing the neck and head and then the horns. Add detailing to the neck and horns and you can erase your mistakes and guides.

dragon drawing tutorial step 6 1 000000186568 3 - Dragon Drawing Tutorial, Easy Tutorial, 7 Steps

Step 7

Here is the line art. Now just color in the dragon and you are all done.

dragon drawing tutorial step 7 1 000000186569 3 - Dragon Drawing Tutorial, Easy Tutorial, 7 Steps

Tutorial by Dawn Darko, United States

Learn also:

  1. How to Draw Anime Anatomy, Easy Tutorial, 25 Steps
  2. How to Draw Abu from the animated film Aladdin, 7 Steps


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Written by Olivia Inkwell

I'm Olivia Inkwell from Toons Mag desk. I post every content that we receive by email. Join me in finding joy in the ordinary and celebrating the beauty of the mundane.

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