

Checklist of submitting posts for publishing

Checklist of submitting posts for publishing

We welcome you to submit your best artwork, like cartoons, comics, and caricatures, for publication on Toons Mag.

This is a checklist and guidelines for submitting posts for publishing on Toons Mag. Some Toons Mag users often make common mistakes, so I created this checklist for them. I hope it can be helpful for you as well. Keep reading forward.

Title and description

Your artwork must be submitted with a relevant title.

Every content you see on Toons Mag, such as cartoons, comics, caricatures, news, and articles, has a relevant title.

Everything on the earth has a name; every movie we watch has a title, and every story we read has a title. And I think your artwork also has a title.

Do not submit your content with the same title again and again.

Each title and description must be unique because Search Engines don’t rank for duplicate content. If you use the previously used title and description of your content and submit it for publishing, then Google search engines will mark your content as duplicate and not appear in Google’s search results. So, it is essential to use a unique title and description.

Category and tags

Select a category from the dropdown list relevant to your content, and input some keywords as tags relevant to your content. You can input up to five tags.

Add a word or two describing your content’s topic and separate it with a comma.

Think about your content about global warming, and then your possible tags can be global warming, climate, temperature, earth, etc. You don’t need to add # hash before any keyword.

Checklist of submitting posts for publishing

Learn about the post formats

In this section, I will talk about the post format of Toons Mag submission.

Single Cartoon

In this format, you can submit a single cartoon, comic strip, caricature, and illustration. If you want to create an album or portfolio then select Gallery or List format. Read also How to submit a cartoon?

1. Cartoon

Your cartoon can be about any topics, it can be on local and international issues, can be political or satire. It has to submit with a relevant title, short description, with relevant tags, under cartoon category.

2. Caricature

The subject of your caricature has to be of a well-known person, like a politician, public figures, or celebrities.
The caricature of your friends or family will not be published under the caricature category. It has to submit with a relevant title, a short description of the caricatured person, with relevant tags, under caricature category.

3. Comic Strip

You can submit a single comic strip or daily comic series for publishing. If it is a comic series then we recommend you use a specific word as a tag on each comic stip you submit. It has to submit with a relevant title, short description, with relevant tags, under comic category.

News or Article

For publishing, your news or article must be about cartoons, cartoonists, caricature, comics, cartoon exhibitions, cartoon contests, or about related topics. During submission, you must input the title of your content, description, and add at least an image and reference link. In this post format, you can add multiple images or videos, reference links.

Multiple Cartoons

In this format, you can publish multiple images, a series of artwork as a gallery or album. Each image must publish with a specific title from the gallery post.

Classic list

As a classic list post, you can submit a list based article where you can add some sections, for example, 1. Cartoon about old-time, 2. cartoon about modern time, 3. cartoon about future, etc.

Ranked list

All ranked list items have almost the same features as classic list items, only different is any Toons Mag members can vote to the best list items, and most voted items will automatically appear on the top of the list.

Open list

Open list article format has the same features as the classic and ranked list format, only different is any Toons Mag registered members can add their entry under the open list article. Read How to add an entry into an open list? and How to vote for an open list entry?


This is a video post format. Under the animation section, you can submit your animation for publishing. We recommend that you post videos from Youtube or Vimeo.

Cartoon Quiz

Under the quiz section, you can post a quiz about cartoon or cartoonist and related topics.

Audio or Podcast

As an Audio or Podcast format, you can post a podcast about cartoons or interviews of cartoonists.


As a pool post, you can post one or multiple questions with an answer about a cartoon or cartoonist.


Versus is a pool option, where you can post questions and two competing images as answers and people can vote what they like most.

Like it or Not

It also a poll post option, where you can post questions with two opposite image answers, and people can vote what they like most.

Submitting for Review

Before submitting your content for review, you must agree with Toons Mag terms and conditions by clicking on the tick box. Once you have submitted it, then you are done. We will receive notification and review it.

Review process

We review every content that you submit. If the content about a current topic or trending issue on social media, then we will approve it within 10 hours or less. If it is about off-topic than we will set a schedule for it and publish later. Remember, since you have submitted the content, still, the unique link of the content is publicly available to share on social media and with your friends.
Once we approve it, you will get an email confirmation from Toons Mag, and it will appear on the homepage or category page.

Please Note Toons Mag reserve the right to add or subtract any part of the title or description of your submitted article, linkup with internal or external resources for publication on quality improvement.

I hope this article Checklist of submitting posts for publishing on Toons Mag was helpful. Visit Toons Mag knowledgebase articles from Toons Mag Helpdesk or Contact if you have any questions.


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Written by Arifur Rahman

Arifur Rahman is a cartoonist and the founder of Toons Mag. Passionate about storytelling and visual art, he aims to inspire others through his work and advocacy for freedom of expression.

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