Valeriy Chmyriov: I was born in 1944. Since 1967 have been publishing personal works in the Press of Ukraine, Russia, and Latvia. Since 1978 have occupied a position of painter-caricaturist for the “Pepper” (Перец) magazine.
Му competitions participation cartoons exhibitions.
2003 – “Independence” Ukraine (Кyiv) – Jury Award.
2004 – the Personal exhibition of cartoons і” the House of the Union
Artists of Ukraine (Куiv).
2005 – 2008 – Exhibitions “Cartoonists of Ukraine” і” the House of the Union
Artists of Ukraine (Куiv).
2009 – Solo exhibition of cartoons і” the House of the Union Artists of
Ukraine (Кіеу).
2009 – «Sintra -2009″ Portugal.
KNOKKE-HEIST (Belgium)- 2010, «Smile Chopin -2010», Sex w satyrze, « Jaka Bede»¬, КARPIK 2010 (Poland), «Plagiarism»- Berlin 2010-2011, «Sintra-2010-2011, “DIGNIТY” (Portugal ), GRAPHIC HUMOR LIMA 2010(Peru), Zagreb car (Croatia), “GRAFIKATUR” (Deutschland), VIOLENCE (Spain), ECOCARTOON (Brazil), Diploma on the IV. Baja Cartoon Competition -2011 (Hungary), Diploma on the Masters of caricature, PLOVDIV – 2011 (Bulgaria), Bronze Plaque-Strumica 2012, Honourable mention the 1ST cartoon Africa international biennial festival 2012, award prize 4th International Cartoon Competition Berlin 2013, “Independence” Ukraine (Кyiv)-award prize2013,2014, Triana cartoon Colombia 2014- 3 prize and other.