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Creating Your Own Cartoon Character

Creating Your Own Cartoon Character

Creating Your Own Cartoon Character: Cartoons can be a bit difficult to create. It takes a lot of time and a wide imagination. We all see different kinds of characters that we find either funny or ridiculous. It will all depend on how creative the cartoonist is. Take the following steps for creating your cartoon:

The first thing is to decide what your character is going to be. You should know what kind of figure it is going to be. This has to be given enough time for thinking. You cannot just imitate other characters from other comics. You have to make your unique type of cartoon. That is the only way you are going to make an effective one that is far from the ones already existing. You need lots of imagination for this.

The next step is to give them a unique personality. Is the character shy, evil, or nice? Whatever the personality is, it should only have one. Do not create a multiple-personality character. You can create another character for another personality. Creating Your Own Cartoon Character.

Creating Your Own Cartoon Character
Creating Your Own Cartoon Character

The third step is to create a weak point and a strong point in the character’s personality. We notice in every cartoon or comic character that they have their strengths and weaknesses. For example, one is strong on land but is weak on water. It doesn’t matter if it is a hero or a villain, no one can be perfect all the time. This is just like characters in real life, only that they are animated, and are not real.

Creating Your Own Cartoon Character
Creating Your Own Cartoon Character

Once you have completed deciding for the above features, it is now time to create the physical features of the cartoon. Is it a girl or a boy? Is he old, or young? You are free to exaggerate here because they are cartoons. They can be as impossible but as you keep it interesting, it will always be accepted. Make sure you get all the details. Cartoons are just graphics, but they need to have all the necessary details to give a more clear vision of what the characters look like.

Have fun with the process. Being a cartoonist should never be stressful. Just be yourself, and create the cartoon that you like. Also, always remember to not create such a perfect one. They need their weaknesses. It will be very boring if a cartoon is all perfect.

Those are the steps on how to make your cartoon character.

Creating Your Own Cartoon Character

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